
Best Dermatologist in Delhi

  WELCOME TO SKINOS BEST SKIN & HAIR CLINIC IN DELHI We at Skinos are committed to providing you with the best care and unmatched service with excellent results! At Skinos each individual can have customized service as per their needs. We understand everyone's aspirations to look their best! We offer a comprehensive skin care diagnostics and treatment. We provide a wide variety of specialty services in dermatology and cosmetology and perform various cosmetic procedures that make your skin look flawless and younger! Skinos is equipped with Pharmacy and Pathology Lab just to ease and fulfil the needs of our valuable patients and take care of their every little stress during the course of their treatment! Our success is a direct reward of quality of care which we provide to our patients and their satisfaction is our highest priority. During your consultation we will discuss your medical history, analyze your skin and the goals you have for your skin, and will together develop a pl
  Dr. Shruti Gupta ( Best Skin Specialist in Delhi ), Medical Director at SKINOS, is one of the most promising and talented dermatologist & cosmetologist in India. Her immense knowledge and great depth of understanding the subject has made her stand out among the peers and experts. She believes in evidence based ethical practice and with her you can be fully assured of right and accurate management completely as per American Academy of Dermatology guidelines Currently, at SKINOS, Dr. Shruti Gupta practices both clinical and cosmetic dermatology, and treats all skin, nail and hair diseases in men, women and children. Dr. Shruti Gupta not only takes utmost care of you at the first consultation and each follow up but she will remain with you as your personal dermatologist and cosmetologist available 24X7. Her simplicity, compassionate nature and easy approachability have what gained her thousands of patients cum friends not only in Delhi but across India!